Thursday, 13 April 2017

Latest Typical Curriculum Structure for Civil Engineering (UG) as per AICTE 2017

Civil engineering one of the oldest branch of engineering, in fact, it is considered to be the second oldest branch after Military engineering and considered to be one most of the most evergreen branch of engineering as the scope and opportunity of Civil engineers are limitless.
Well, taking about the pattern and norms of B-tech in India (according to AICTE- All India Council for Technical Education), B-Tech (UG) degree for Civil Engineer is completed in 4 years and is divided into 8 semesters with 2 semesters per year, however for some Universities mainly in South India have combined first and second semester in the first years. The following are the latest paper to be studied by B-Tech (UG) Civil Engineering students as released by AICTE.

Main Paper:
(a) Humanities and Social Sciences (HS)
(b) Basic Sciences (BS)
(c) Engineering Sciences (ES)
(d) Professional Subjects-Core & Electives (PC, PE)
(i) Civil Engineering (CE):
(e) Open Electives (OE):
(f) Mandatory Courses (MC):

Lab & Workshop:
BS 11: Applied Physics Laboratory I
BS 12: Applied Physics III
BS 13: Applied Physics Laboratory II
BS 15: Chemistry Laboratory I
BS 16: Chemistry II
BS 17: Elementary Biology
BS I8: Advanced Biology I
BS I9: Advanced Biology II
ES 08: Basic Electronics Engineering Laboratory
ES10: Computer Programming Laboratory
ES 11 Basic Simulation Laboratory
ES 14 Solid Mechanics & Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

For Semester: I –II:
HS, BS and ES Courses common for all Branches; Mandatory Courses;

For Semester: III-IV
HS, BS and ES Courses common for all Branches (to be continued); Also,
Mandatory Courses (to be continued, if required);
PC (Hard/Soft) Courses in two/three groups (like Electrical, Non-Electrical); Area wise Orientation; Add-On Courses;

For Semester: V-VII
PC (Hard/Soft), PE and OE Courses; Branch-wise Orientation; Add-On Courses; Seminar;

For Semester: VIII
PE and OE Courses; Project work and Dissertation, Internship, Seminar: Add-On
Courses; Final wrap-up of Programme;

If you have opted for Civil engineering, I should say that you have made a good decision. The career opportunities and scope in developing countries like India are expanding. All you need to do is hard work, digest every topic and master the subject. There is no short-cut to success, your career entirely depend on your hard work during your B-Tech. A simple tip for preparation, start making self-notes for every paper, like basic civil engineering notes, by referring to as many books as you can, you can also refer civil engineering notes which are already prepared.

About the Author:
Sagolsem Amos: (
Sagolsem Amos is an expert in career guidance and has been working as Career Counselor at