Monday, 18 April 2016

Strength of Materials pdf by R.K Bansal and S. K. Bhattacharya

Strength of materials is also called mechanics of materials which deals with all the engineering courses like mechanical, structural, civil, biomedical, petroleum, aeronautical, and aerospace etc. that’s why this is highly demanded ebook by engineering students.

 This book is common in all the engineering courses and it tells about behavior of solid objects and strength.  If you don’t know about it so you have to read more on Wikipedia strength of materials. Wiki is the best source of information and I am sure you can collect more information from wiki so go ahead to know more.

Today I am sharing here a lecture note by Professor S.K Bhattacharya on “Introduction to strength of material” S.K Bhattacharya is IIT professor in Kharagpur and it is expected to cover the entire course in 40 lessons which is of 1-hour duration module. It is expected that the whole course is covered in 10 modules in this whole pdf with complete details and structured diagram and the diagrams will guide about derived unit, body force, surface forces, internal forces and concept of stress etc. I hope this module will be helpful for and you enjoy this pdf lecture note so keep download and must read it your knowledge and learn more here.

See lecture video by Prof. S.K Bhattacharya:

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Fundamentals of Automobile Engineering by Jefferey K. Ball and Richard Stone

Rechard Stone and Jefferey K. Balls write an amazing ebook on Fundamentals of automobile engineering.  Automobile engineering book has around 637 pages with examples which makes it easy to read and understand.

 Following chapters are mentioned in this ebook: 

1.Chapter 1-Introduction and Overview ...............................................................................1
2.Chapter 2 -Thermodynamics of Prime Movers ...............................................................17
3.Chapter 3- Spark Ignition Engines...................................................................................101
4.Chapter 4- Diesel Engines................................................................................................149
5.Chapter 5 -Ancillaries .......................................................................................................189

Click Here             Download Link

First Edition of Engineering Fundamental by Roger L. Timings

Friends download pdf ebook of engineering fundamental by Roger L. Timings. This is first edition of engineering fundamental and there are 12 chapters included in this book. I hope i could help you and you will continue your study with this book.

These are chapters list which are in this book:

1.General health and safety (engineering)
2. Establishing effective working relationships
3. Handling engineering information
4. Engineering materials and heat treatment
5. Engineering drawing

Click Here                Download Link

SolidWorks 2011 Parts Bible by Matt Lombard Pdf Book

Download solid works ebook 2011 by Matt Lombard. In this book there are six lesions which will guide you in best way and whole book has around 600 pages.

Content details:

Part I: Introducing SolidWorks Basics
Part II: Building Intelligence into Your Parts
Part III: Creating Part Drawings
Part IV: Using Advanced Techniques
Part V: Working with Specialized Functionality

Click Here            Download Link

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Full Notes on Advance Data Structure Free Download

My friends if you are engineering students and you are pursuing computer engineering so I have free ebooks for you so you can download important notes on advanced data structure and this is full covering syllabus which can cover complete semester. If you need so download free.

Click Here                Download Link