Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Friday, 12 February 2016

Chemical Engineering Year Wise Question Papers pdf

Are you chemical engineering student? If you are pursuing engineering from chemical so I have some useful previous years question papers. In this blog I like to share study material with my student friends because I am also a student and I know importance of previous year question papers.

I have past three year paper so I am sharing these with you and I hope you will learn with these and get good marks in you exams so best of luck for you upcoming exams.

Following pdf are linked below click to download:

Civil Engineering Year Wise Question Papers pdf

Today I am going to upload previous year question papers on biotechnology engineering. These question papers will help you practice for exams and you can know how much you learn about biotechnology. I am sure if you will practice with these question papers you can get good marks in you exams. I am also a student of that’s why I can understand importance of previous exams question papers because every student want to know about previous exams types and then he/she can prepare well for exams

It is important study with complete planning and regularly. We can’t study much in a short time it will always take time. Just try to solve these I hope it will give you benefit.

Following question papers are uploaded below click to download :


Friday, 31 July 2015

Network Security and Cryptography by William Stalling Ebook

Download 4th edition of network security and cryptography by William stalling. There are three attachments on different topics download full covering syllabus for your course. I have more ebooks for every engineering course like civil, electrical, mechanical and other engineering.

Click Here               Download Link